Our Mission
CCEEJ’s mission is to leverage and strengthen the assets of community organizations and Tribal nations by providing accessible and inclusive technical assistance in energy and environmental justice.
We do this by providing direct grant and resource access assistance to address underserved, rural, remote, Tribal, and Indigenous populations' energy and environmental health and quality challenges.

How we started
In 2023, CCEEJ was selected as one of 16 Environmental Justice Thriving Communities Technical Assistance Centers (EJ TCTACs) supported by the US Environmental Protection Agency and the US Department of Energy. We are dedicated to fostering thriving communities by providing technical assistance and capacity-building resources for those most in need.
Together with University of Arizona's Western Environmental Science Technical Assistance Center for Environmental Justice (WEST EJ Center), we help community organizations in the EPA's Region 9, which includes California, Arizona, Nevada, Hawai'i, and the US-Affiliated Pacific Islands.
CCEEJ's particular expertise is in serving underserved, rural, remote, Tribal, and Indigenous populations' energy and environmental health and quality challenges. We work in California, Arizona, Nevada, Hawai'i, Guam, American Samoa, and the Northern Mariana Islands.
What does CCEEJ do?
CCEEJ strengthens community organizations' capacity and effectiveness in applying to, managing, and implementing environmental and energy justice grants and programs.
CCEEJ is committed to helping community organizations by providing technical assistance. This assistance includes conducting environmental and energy justice needs assessments and analyses, identifying grant opportunities, and training community champions. Learn more about how we can support your community here.
Our team
Our team is here to support your community with technical assistance and capacity-building resources. We harness our combined expertise to improve and foster energy and environmental justice on behalf of impacted communities.
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We build capacity and foster thriving communities
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